Advanced dummy neck prototypes


Several Masters thesis projects have been carried out on the development of advanced prototype dummy-necks.




BioRID-neck with spinal canal for pressure transient simulation

1) ”Ryggradskanal till Mekanisk Nacke” (Spinal canal for a mechanical neck), Linda Olofsson and Ingemar Persson (in Swedish)

2) Development of a Neck Model to Simulate Pressure Phenomena inside the Spinal Canal during Rear-End Collision, Corinne Keiser

3) A Rear-End Collision Crash Dummy Neck for Spinal Canal Pressure Transient Simulation- Design - Upgrade and evaluation testing, GIANCARLO CANAVESE






3-dimensional dummy neck prototype for omni-directional use.

1) "Development of a prototype for an Omni-Directional Dummy Neck", Caroline Carlsson

2) Development of an advanced three dimensional dummy neck - ODD Neck II (Draft version), DIEGO ASTUY GONZÁLEZ

3) Development of the muscle system for an Omni-Directional Dummy neck,  Luca Sarale





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